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捷 报 | Good news

发布时间:2019-09-10 15:12

据悉,本届SBID国际设计奖收到来自全球48个国家的参赛作品,比去年增加近20%,入围标准更加严苛,竞争激烈,酒店设计客房类别全球仅20位入选。入围作品中不乏纽约TWA Hotel、东方文华、亚特兰蒂斯这样的顶级品牌。


JSD's design work MANSIONS Hotel successfully entered the final FINALIST of the 10th SBID International Design Awards in 2019 and will compete for the highest honor in London!

It is reported that this year's SBID International Design Awards received entries from 48 countries around the world, an increase of nearly 20% over last year. The shortlisted standards are more stringent and fiercely competitive. Only 20 were selected for the hotel design category. Among the finalists, there are many top brands such as New York TWA Hotel, Oriental Mandarin, and Atlantis.

SBID 简介 | Introduction

英国SBID国际设计大奖SBID international design awards(简称SBID)由英国室内设计协会举办,是室内设计行业最富盛名的奖项之一,创建于2011年,该奖项旨在表彰和奖励在国际室内设计领域取得卓越成果的杰出工作者以及团队,促进行业交流,使设计师提升专业技能的同时,挖掘自身的创造潜力。


The SBID international design awards (SBID), hosted by the British Interior Design Association, is one of the most prestigious awards in the interior design industry. It was created in 2011 to recognize and reward international interior design. Outstanding workers and teams with outstanding results promoting industry communication, enabling designers to develop their professional skills while tapping their creative potential.


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