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方木中古 | FMVintage Luxury Store

发布时间:2020-09-19 16:41

Project Name:FMVintage Luxury Store

Project Location:chongqing Yubei District zhaomu mountain community

Completion date:May 2020

Design team: Jade Simple Design

Design Director: Steven 文超

Soft decoration design: 文超, 杨旭, YSCASA

Construction unit: 璞造装饰

Space photography: 刘星昊



遇见 –

Meet -


Not in the expected things, always full of unknown and surprise.


When FMVintage’s owner (Li Zhi and his wife) found us.

I haven't even had a fairly complete understanding of concept of Vintage.

There are some thoughtful points and interesting thought process. How to do a good job in a vintage store?how to convey the stories and values behind it? Especially, how to weaken their meaning of foreign products and enhance integration of local cultural characteristics. How to present new scenes and patterns in the ancient store.

中古 –



"ちゅうこ", comes from Japan, means "Second-hand" or "Old-fashioned" in Japanese consciousness, which is different from the concept of antique. And "Vintage" we normally said is included in "Old- fashioned" often refers to products that are old, used, but extremely classic, worthy of collection and use.


The second-hand luxury goods is very popular in Japan.Thanks to Japan's booming economy in the 1970s and 1980s, when they  bought designer handbags as often as they bought snacks.Most people will replace or sell their existing bags and buy some new one,and replace,like a cycle.Thus formed the largest second-hand luxury market today.


But the local market has its own interpretation of vintage goods.Although it does not reach the cognition concept of antique, it is far beyond the cognition of second-hand.To some extent, the native vintage goods refused to be equated with second-hand goods.So, goes back to thinking at the consumer level.If the definition of ちゅうこis so subtle, then, How can we present a vintage luxury store that is unprecedented in mainland China and content with market recognition?

空间 –










选择 –



As the owner of the choice of these vintage products, the core of the vintage store is not how many products they can supply, but pick out those exquisite flawless goods in those designer bags.Just right, just the core of FMVingtage.

Interior space is also like that, We have always insisted on the appropriate treatment and selection of ways in soft outfit, artwork, even adornment material.


At the same time, the theme concept of Encounter, not only points to the relationship between consumers and vintage products.It is also the spiritual core of our entire space design, which is more like the collision of two generations.Or,a conversation between two kind of design languages.Time-stamped vintage products will meet new owners, be reborn, and have a new spark with products from another era.The traditional and classical design language will also have a new dialogue with the modern and more concise design language.We use this kind of design language to reshape the whole space.


First of all, in the form of decoration, we use western classical elements in functional structural Settings, such as doors , windows, partition, bar, display areas,etc. And in the remodeling of the spatial structure, a large number of modern and high-efficient processing techniques. In a sense, the logical relationship between these two processing techniques must be contradictory and conflicting. But we try to put these contradictions and conflicts together, and we want these two languages to actually produce some kind of meaningful dialogue. Moving forward is not about forgetting the past. I want to reexamine it in my own way. Therefore, delicate wood works, lines and shapes can coexist with bare and simple washed stones and walls.And such a state is not inconsistent, even a wonderful taste.

其次,在软装的选择上我们摒弃了统一风格产品扎堆的处理方式。而是以一个买手的姿态去挑选适合的家具产品。从Franco的Tre pezzi扶手椅,到Jean Royere的大白熊,再到当代传奇设计师Philippe Starck的经典三足椅。无一不是向经典致敬。而flos的灯具与cc-tapis的地毯则是当下产品设计中的典范。我们将其整合在一起,在这个既冲突又奇妙的空间里,趣味横生。

Secondly, in the choice of soft outfit, we abandoned products with unified and popular style.But to a buyer's attitude to choose suitable furniture products.

From Franco's Tre Pezzi to Jean Royere's Polar-bear to the legendary contemporary designer Philippe Starck's classic Costes Chair.

All are salutes to the classics. Flos lamps and CC-Tapis carpets are examples of current product design. We put it all together, and it's interesting in this conflicted and wonderful space.


Finally, I would like to conclude with the painting “Encounter” by contemporary artist Mr. Pang Maokun in this space.The series of Encounters is Mr. Pang's recollection of the Renaissance period, which is the inheritance and research of tradition, as well as the continuation and exploration and innovation of the new era.He looked at the combination of classical and contemporary development with his own identity.And this coincides with the design thinking of FMvintage.As designers, we also look at this industry, consumer relationship and architectural carrier from our perspective.

Development, is not only looking forward, sometimes, looking back, there will be unexpected wonderful things.






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