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HOT POT | 市井 烟火

发布时间:2022-08-17 16:12


Chongqing is a city with a strong human touch.


It is also because of the city's urban tolerance and fireworks that it has given birth to the highly distinctive Chongqing hotpot culture. But hotpot is not the same as the other major regional cuisines, it does not have so much baggage. It is just inclusive, mellow, and warm.


At the same time, the world has the impression that Chongqing hotpot has been associated with the culture of the city and the community. Chongqing hotpot has always been associated with the culture of the city and the community. It is because, like small noodles, it is a rustic, everyday meal for Chongqing people. It is against this cultural backdrop that a number of space-based hotpot restaurants have been created, based on the backdrop of urban scenes. These scenes are either dilapidated old streets or old factory buildings.


But we believe that the town is not the uniformly dirty and dilapidated place that it is now. It is because, in our perception and understanding, the city is accompanied by the most realistic fireworks and temperatures. These fireworks are no longer cold movie scenes, but vehicles that relate to people, blend with real communities, and produce different stories and scenes with different people.

侨林 与 瓜西西 的社区门店,也正是因此而生。在后疫情时代之下,我们需要慢下来,去关注日常所需,重回生活本源,才有可能让餐饮品牌走的更加长远。我甚至认为,这些真正扎根于社区的个性化商业,才能真正带来人情与温度。它们是看似自然生长中的秩序纽带,链接着生活的点滴与记忆。

The community shops of Qiolin and GuaXixi were born out of this. In the post-epidemic era, we need to slow down, pay attention to everyday needs and return to our life's roots in order to make it possible for restaurant brands to go further. I even believe that these personalised businesses, which are truly rooted in the community, can truly bring about human feelings and warmth. They are the links of order in a seemingly natural growth, linking the dots and memories of life.


So, we want to bring you a new model of hotpot restaurant that seems new but is not new. And new means a return to the essence of the restaurant, back to the basics of what a restaurant should be. We have also been discussing what is the new business model. Probably, there will never be a standard answer. But we always believe that returning to the essence of the commercial business, moderately reducing the visualisation input and avoiding over-design must be a good direction to think about.


As we understand community life in general, it is urban and smoky, but can be clean, tidy and charming all the same.


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