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jsd . HOME | 东湖长岛L宅

发布时间:2024-08-22 16:00


The sun is as soft as cream





A residence of 128 square metres is not really a large home. But if this 128 square metres is for the exclusive use of one person, is this a size of occupancy per person? Can it be considered a luxury?

So, on top of this logic of demands, it is crucial to meet the real demands of the owners and make good use of every inch of the area. At the same time, the dimensions of people and space, and the way in which they are presented, are the fundamental questions we need to address.


As a result, the structural form of the original large three-bedroom house was redistributed. But the reallocated space is not all open because of the need for one person. On the contrary, because of the real use scenario and the unforeseen possibilities of the future, we have clearly divided the space into two relationships: dynamic and static. The "movement" is the open public area, which connects all the owners' living preferences and social needs in the space. In this space, the functional areas are coherent and clear, not overly integrated and disordered by their openness. The right scale of relationship allows for a better use of the space. The "quiet" area is a private living space, which includes the sleeping area, the bathroom and the separate cloakroom, with nearly 2/5 of the area being completely private. It is private, yet relaxed.



It may be hard to imagine that this is the private home of a 'LADY' in her fifties. And in this case, the process did not go smoothly. The reason for this was not the conservatism and stubbornness of the owner, but our preconception that we needed to give her a more 'modest' and 'classic' design direction.


However, after continuous communication and understanding, we realised that the owner's attitude to life was her own real world. And isn't this the true core of private house design? The private design of a home needs to focus on the user's most real state and demands, and this demand is the owner's most real expression. It is even a way for her to talk to the world.




So style ceases to exist. Here, it is not about classics or fashions. There is no strong design approach, everything is designed to be comfortable and calm, and through this calm space environment, we try to encompass the real needs and preferences of the owner.



So style ceases to exist. Here, it is not about classics or fashions. There is no strong design approach, everything is designed to be comfortable and calm, and through this calm space environment, we try to encompass the real needs and preferences of the owner.

As a result, the large white walls and the original wooden flooring are the mainstay of the space, clean and gentle. It is also because of the friendliness of the main body of the space that the different styles and forms of functional space are linked together.

We talk about style and preferences all the time. In fact, in the present day, all our preferences are complex and diverse. We can hardly prefer just one direction or form. So, at the end of the day, as a layman's private space, what we really have to do is to integrate our preferences as much as possible through our professional means and, with a little wisdom, to achieve a balance. And that is what designers do.


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